What a wonderful long weekend. I came across Erin's lovely blog "My 30 Spot" and I fell in love with it. Mainly because, well, in a couple of months, I will be 30! She had this wonderful idea, "Love for 30 Project" where women reflect back on their 30's, look forward to their 30's, provide insight, etc. I decided to write a letter to my future 30 year old self, it was alot of fun and Erin was extremely encouraging considering the fact that I was a little nervous about submitting something.
ALSO, another submission to the "Love for 30" project really touched my heart, and I wanted to share that blog post as well...
I hope you all are having a great weekend and are able to check out Erin's great blog and maybe even submit a piece for the "Love For 30" project!
Thanks :)
oh wow this is such an awesome idea, I might write a letter to my 30yo self :) x