Wednesday, February 26, 2014

IV and the transition...

Intoxicating Vixen's transition is almost complete.  It's amazing to have a vision, work hard to execute it, continue to hold strong in the face of adversity and rejection, and see your vision manifest into something greater than you could have ever imagined.  Some people equate success with money or popularity or whatever, but in my humble opinion seeing your vision come to life is one of the greatest successes possible.

~The universe gives you dreams because it knows
 that you're capable of manifesting them into realities~

And another authentic steelbone corset that Intoxicating Vixen will be carrying....

If something as great and omnipresent as God/Universe/a High Power has faith in you, there's no reason for you to ever lose faith in yourself or your dreams.


Sunday, February 16, 2014

Intoxicating Vixen's first steel boned corset....

It will be available on the website very shortly! Isn't it stunning???
(as you can see, I had FUN in this piece)
IntoxicatingVixen Boutique
has another steel boned corset
coming soon...
Pics of that authentic steel boned beauty will be in the next blog posting.
Happy (belated) Valentines...
Vixens are loved all year round

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


In my previous blog entry I wrote about transformation...these past couple of weeks have been so eXhilarating, eXtravagant, and eXotic for Intoxicating Vixen and myself! Intoxicating Vixen Boutique is seductively strutting over to the more sensual side of things....luxurious lingerie.

I've always had a passion for lingerie, there's something about piece of lingerie that is able to capture the very essence of womanhood.  A woman's body is a work of art in itself, but the right piece of lingerie creates masterpieces.

Over these past few weeks I've been working really hard so that IV's transformation is truly magical. I am collaborating with a couple of small independent brands based in the United Kingdom.  The lingerie that Intoxicating Vixen Boutique will be carrying is very sexy, very dangerous, but very practical.

For starters we have incredibly sexy foundation garments coming, you're going to hate the idea of even having to put clothing over them!

Vintage inspired bra's and panties, pieces made exclusively for your private boudoir.  The colors, the fit, the styles, they are mesmerizing.

A suspender skirt...a skirt with six (removable) garter straps to hold up those sultry lace top stockings (which IV will also be carrying).  This piece is amazing in itself because its flattens your tummy area and can be worn outside as a skirt or as lingerie, versatile and unique. You'll see it soon enough.

My intention was to not release any pictures just yet BUT in the spirit of lingerie, I dont mind being a little tease.

:) Just a quick screenshot...Intoxicating Vixen's first authentic steel boned corset. Isn't she beautiful? Now I say steel boned corset because there is a huge difference between that and the popular fashion corsets.  Just a brief synopsis, steel boned corsets provide real waist reduction and an hour glass silhouette , fashion corsets are plastic boned and offer no reduction in waist and no shaping is provided hence the huge pricing gap. I will provide a more detailed posting on that at a later time.
