Thursday, April 19, 2012

Introducing IV's newest cocktail dress...

This "Tsunami" is sure to be the only one guaranteed to send positive waves and vibrations throughout your atmosphere. Flirty, Fab, and F...Teal? lol...I've been eying this beauty for a while.  Sure to be worn in the spring/summer, or paired with a blazer and worn in the colder months as well...Its about to be blazing out, cool off with this...

$55 with FREE SHIPPING :)
Isn't she a beauty?

Are you ready for the weekend? I sure am....I feel like this might have been the longest week ever, and there is still one more day! Not sure what I am doing for the weekend but whatever it is, it better include a lot of rest and relaxation.  Hope all is well...

Oh and before I go, I wanted to share this...helped me out so I figured maybe it would do the same for you...

“Accept - then act. Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it.”
Eckhart Tolle


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