Tuesday, February 26, 2013


I am sooo thrilled to unveil IV's newest addition just in time for the spring (although this piece would look amazing in any season)! Anarchy is truly rebellious yet mesmorizing.  Anarchy allow you to make a bold statment fashion wise...

"I wasn't created to conform to the world, I was created to intoxicate it"
Anarchy will be available on www.IntoxicatingVixen.com shortly, I was so excited about her I had to give a preview!!!
I love this piece because its different and not trendy.  Wearing something like this will blow minds, the stictching shows enough skin to captivate yet its not raunchy. The possibilities are endless as well, throw on some heels and something as simple as a manbeater with the right accessories? Watch the heads turn! I can't wait to wear these in the spring, its about time my inner biker girl gets a little shine!
Hope all is well!


1 comment:

  1. These are HOT! I have nowhere to wear them, but they are hot nonetheless, though.
